Security Scanning
Webroot Safe Antivirus is a software tool designed to help you understand if your computer is currently protected from known threats. Webroot Safe Antivirus Scan performs a scan of your computer and displays if there are existing viruses, worms, spyware, unwanted adware, or Trojans residing on your computer.
Download Now
You may download Webroot Safe Antivirus on any Android devices provided it has relevant space for downloading the app. Further, to download the Webroot Safe Antivirus on your Android device follow the given steps:
You need to create an account with Webroot Safe Antivirus, thus login to the website ( for registering yourself. If you have an account enter email id and password, click “Log in”. However, if you are not registered then click on “Create Account” by entering your details. Once done, click on “Register Now” button. In your Android device open “Google Play Store’’, in the search bar find out “webroot Secure any where” application. You may reach us by call 833 283-0002.
To activate Webroot Safe Antivirus on your Apple iOS device follow these simple steps:
- Create an account on for downloading the app. If you already have an account, simply enter email id and password and click on the ‘Sign in’ button. If you do not have any account then click on the option of ‘’Create Account’’.
- Furnish your details like email id, password, keycode etc. and click ‘’Register Now’’.
- Open the “Apple Store’’ on your iOS device, now in the search bar type “Webroot Antivirus Application”.
- As soon as you download the Webroot App, enter the key code as asked along with the registered email id and Password. Thereafter, click on the button of ‘’Agree and Install”
To download the Webroot Safe Antivirus on Windows (computer or laptop) download the subscription of the Webroot Safe Antivirus first. This can be achieved by the following steps:
- Open any internet browser like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox Mozilla etc. Now, type in buy for downloading the subscription.
- Now you will be asked whether you want Webroot Safe Antivirus for your Business (office) or home. You have to click on the desired option.
- Click on the “Download” button and let the downloading complete.
- Downloading is going to take a few seconds or a couple of minutes depending upon the speed of your internet connection.
Steps to remove viruses from my Android phone:
1. Turn-on safe mode:
Continuously turn-on experimental mode on your android gadget. Putting your device/set on experimental mode protects your gadget from outsider applications on your telephone. Continue to protect your telephone in mode before downloading applications.
2. Install antivirus software:
By Antivirus Security to shield your gadget from malware and disease. Antivirus protects your gadget from these noxious assaults and verifies your passwords and other helpful data.
3. Remove undesirable applications:
Applications you enhance in your gadget get to your information and data. In the event that you are not utilizing any application while and you don’t require it any longer, expel that application from your gadget. Applications that are old and not refreshed are for the most part and simple vehicle for programmers to assault.
4. Keep a back-up of your data:
Keep a back-up of your gadget information. It averts the loss of your significant information and records. Today all advanced cells convey a cloud office which is totally protected. It additionally gives legitimate space to your embellishment and performs quick.
5. Run a Full System Scan
If you experience any issue while installing Webroot Antivirus, then please contact at the toll-free number at 1-877-364-5922 or visit for guidance.
Source url - webroot by geek squad
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