Running and scaling a business is not a one-person job, the one-man army concept fails to suffice and attend to the diversity of the business in today’s dynamic landscape. The stepping stone for forming a scalable and sustainable business having a team of people who are not only dedicated to the company but also have their individual interests aligned with the ultimate mission of the company.
Choosing the right resources for your venture is the key to its sustainability. Supplementing that is retaining your resource, the resources here being your employees. The growth of your organization is linked to the personal growth of the people working there. Making it more transparent helps to fulfill the growth objectives of both the parties. The topic of interest here is how to keep your employees engaged and motivated to drive the growth of your company.
At the center of this discussion is the concept of Employee Engagement. Employee engagement is a fundamental concept that gives emphasis to employee satisfaction and performance, it incorporates creating the right work atmosphere for people at work.
The importance of employee engagement could be established in research findings that have inferred that organizations with an engaged workforce have outperformed their competition.
In a layman’s term it is all about creating a work culture where Monday Blues is a myth people are dedicated to improving their performance and optimising their output.
It’s more about creating a reciprocal relationship between the employee and the organization or employer so that they have their interests aligned and could mutually benefit from each other’s effort in building a successful organisation.
So, there is a two-way commitment based on trust and integrity. Employee engagement surveys have been developed specifically to measure the performance, strategic alignment, competency and satisfaction of contributors.
Understanding what employee engagement is should also be in the context of what it’s not and what all defies a good employee engagement mechanism. This fails when people are intoxicated by the work culture and feel trapped in their present work environment. It could be due to various factors, people might feel bound by their prior commitment to the firm in light of manipulation and extreme micromanagement.
Employee engagement is more performance-centric, meaning the soul purpose of employee engagement is not just employee satisfaction but also driving employee’s performance to more optimum levels. Human resource is the most crucial factor when it comes to running a successful business.
Your employees are the lifeline of your business. There should be a balanced approach to increase employee centric engagement, the emphasis should be on both aspects, employee satisfaction and performance optimization.
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