Monday, 14 May 2018

McAfee’s Identity Theft Protection Features to Protect You and Your Customers

The main focus of McAfee has always been on providing a robust antivirus tool to more than 375 million customers from across the world. McAfee keeps adding new features to make its antivirus protection stronger. If you wish to build trust with your consumers and expand your consumer base then get McAfee software. To activate McAfee software, go to

Building trust and consumer loyalty

McAfee’s Identity Protection feature helps businesses in increasing their customer base and loyalty, and sales because they offer complimentary protection to website visitors. This new Identity feature boosts in building long-lasting trust because it displays the identity protection trust mark on the website. It further builds consumer trust by providing them a sum of $100,000 in protection. Thus this new feature helps the business to earn consumer trust not only before but also after they buy from the business.


This feature boosts the sales of the business. It does so because when website visitors notice that your company is looking out for their identity, then it becomes more likely that they will make a purchase from your website. It also helps when the customers see that the company is covering them with the services of McAfee. It is highly likely that the customers will come back to the website to make further purchases. This feature can also help the businesses in winning back lost customers.


McAfee’s identity protection service makes sure that the customers of the user company are protected. The consumers are protected with a massive amount of $100,000 in coverage for a month and a half, when they make a purchase from the website. Moreover, the best part of identity protection feature is that it costs the company and its consumers the very same things, which is nothing.


McAfee Identity Protection integrates very well with others. It is a component of a wider system of security trustmarks which improve the sales of the business by building long-lasting trust. It works well along with the other McAfee products and it is also an extremely powerful tool to increase the revenue of the business and strengthen the bottom line.

What is new?

  1. Ideal for customers: New Identity Protection feature improves the experience of the customers because it provides them the choice to choose whether or not to get Identity Protection. It is not necessary for businesses and companies to pass up their consumers’ email addresses. McAfee will not interact with the consumers unless the consumers opt-in to get the coverage and share their emails with McAfee.

  2. Better for Business: The new identity protection features allow the businesses to customize the offer. There are two options provided to businesses. One is the Modal option. A modal window will pop up in the middle of the webpage when a customer completes any purchase on the website. The slide Up is another option which is a bit more integrated. When a customer has completed the purchase, the slide up will appear on the Thank You webpage.
McAfee is a renowned antivirus software brand. If you have purchased any McAfee product, then visit for product key activation.

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